Happy new year everybody!
Yes it’s 2011 now, and as well as a new blog, I’ve thought long & hard about resolutions.
I know some people are against them, but often I make them & tell a few people, nobody cares & they usually fall apart. Hopefully with it written down, I’ll stick to them a little longer.
That’s the plan at least & with that all’s said, these are my new years resolutions:-
- Lose a Bit of Weight – Bit of a big one for me (no pun intended). Really I’ve been above what I want to be for about a year. Really frustrating looking at photos of me when I thought I was a fat bastard & seeing me relatively thin. Would like to be like that again!
- Get a (sporting) interest – I’d like to try something new, preferably a martial art. One of my friends does Karate & loves it. Again, whilst Chorlton gym is a stone’s throw from me, I’d like to explore a little further. But just take up something that’s a) not outside, b) I can meet people & c) not too shit at so I give up. Maybe basketball actually. Or some sort of martial art.
- Declutter My Life! I’ve got far too many things on the go, and they’re mainly the same things. I need to either finish projects or ditch them. It was bad, I was staring at my cPanel login & all I could see was dead projects. No more new projects that are destined to remain unfinished. I’ll see you in 2030.
Right there’s a list, not too much (and the second one could help with the first one), but it’s three things I want to do in 2011. Any tips or suggestions will be gratefully appreciated!
As far as my wishes for 2011, I hope that we have Saturn Games to play on Xbox Live, the return of The Crystal Maze & Kelly Brook’s hand in marriage.
What are your resolutions? If you share them then maybe it’ll help you keep them!
A suggestion for decluttering your new blog – the “share” buttons at the bottom of the post appear as a big long list if you subscribe via Google Reader. TBH I’d be surprised if you’ll need most of them anyway – I find that Twitter and Facebook are sufficient, although Reddit and StumbleUpon are good choices too. I’d ditch the rest.
PS. You really need “subscribe to comments” on this blog š
Duely noted, though if I reply to comments, you should get a reply š
Losing weight is easier if lots of people are looking at you regularly – they’ll be the ones to notice your early efforts and let you know how you’re doing.
And what is the best way to get lots of people looking at you regularly? Video blog posts. Do it.
You and bloody video posts! š
They are the future of the internet! Get going now and be at the forefront of something huge!