Commonwealth Games 2014 – Glasgow

Over the past weekend I attended the Rugby Sevens event at the Commonwealth Games.

For those unaware, the Commonwealth Games are an Olympics style event which features countries who are in the Commonwealth. It’s one of the few events that the nations of Great Britain compete separately from each other, and there are slightly different events from the Olympics.

One of the different events was Rugby Sevens, which is because a lot of Commonwealth Nations are rugby playing nations. The games were played over the course of 2 days at Ibrox, and we attended the first session.

It was brilliant! Even for non rugby fans like my mum who attended, as soon as we arrived we felt the warmth of Glasgow (or rather the Glaswegian people), and got into it. Bless her, she’s still chanting for Uganda (the fans favourite underdogs) more than 24 hours after the events.

Anyway, here are some pictures of my trip. Hope you like them!

Have you been in Glasgow for the Commonwealth Games? Let me know how your experience was.

Welsh Rugby World Cup Semi Final Spotify Playlist

March 469
Creative Commons License photo credit: ArunMarsh*

Tomorrow, Wales kick off against France in the Rugby World Cup Semi Final. We’ve been here once before, bowing out to a strong New Zealand side. France are the opponents tomorrow.

I’m feeling stupidly patriotic this week, despite being scammed and ill in Bulgaria meaning that I couldn’t watch us win against Bulgaria (tip: never go to Bulgaria!). So I decided to make a Welsh Spotify Playlist in preparation for the game tomorrow!

It’s by no means complete, just a few Welsh songs I like, plus some traditional rugby songs. Feel free to add to it, but as many people say they’re supporting the Welsh tomorrow, it’d be good to get you lot feeling a little bit more Welsh.

[spotify track=”spotify:user:rhyswynne:playlist:0HlhG9EbWqVKLLx3naeb2e”]


* Yes I’m well aware that this isn’t from the Rugby World Cup

Six Nations 2011 – It Begins Today!

Yes! The most politically correct sporting tournament begins today – the Six Nations!

It’s a tournament that pits England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, France & Italy in a league format in Rugby, to see who is the best nation in the Northern Hemisphere

I bloody love it, it’ a marvellous tournament, that unites a nation like no other tournament on a yearly basis. Furthermore, it’s provides the sort of banter you can have with your fellow nations that doesn’t involve a glassing. As much as I love football, rugby players can really teach them something on how to act on the pitch.

To give a sample of such banter, I ask my followers the same question: “What do you think their chances of winning the Six nations are?”

Mike CJ (English) of Camel Media Group said the following:-!/mikecj/statuses/33296097363496960

Barry Adams (Dutch, but lives in Ireland) of The Great Websites Blog said the following:-!/badams/statuses/33454888323129344!/badams/statuses/33455020217208832

James Jackson of Ogge said the following:-

So what of Wales chances? I’m not confident. Injuries & the fact we’re approaching a World Cup generally means we’ll be poor. As lovely as it would be to beat the old enemy, I’m not confident. Still I’ll still be singing hymns & arias. Dewch ymlaen Cymru!

Who do you think will win?