Why Rand Fishkin is More Powerful Than Hulk Hogan….

….and how you can be as well

For those of you who follow me on twitter on almost stalkerish levels, you’ll know that a URL I have analytics access to was retweeted by Hulk Hogan yesterday (not sure why I’m linking to Hogan, if you don’t know who he is you really have lived a sheltered life). I took bets on how many visitors he’d bring to the website. One person – Sam Crocker – gave a suggestion. He was off. Way off.

So, at 7pm on a wet Thursday in Manchester, here’s what the Analytics have shown for the page that was tweeted by Hogan:-

60 visits. In comparison. I got retweeted by Rand Fishkin once and here’s the traffic I got:-

Over 1000 visits! Therefore, Rand Fishkin is more powerful (in terms of online reach) than Hulk Hogan.

How You Can Be Too…..

I guess I should explain about the tweet in question that Hulk Hogan retweeted. The tweet was about Callum Murray. Callum is a 9 year old kid that suffers from Arnold Chiari Malformation. You can read the full story here. It’s long, it’s heartbreaking, and it’s white text on a black background. Long story short the poor little guy is in pain everyday and desperately needs an operation from the only place that specialises in this condition – The Chiari Institute. The Chiari Institute is in New York.

If you can help, please please do. Be it a retweet of this post, or if you can donate cash. Every penny will be greatfully received.

Please Donate Here

As an incentive, if that total rises above £500 by next week, I’ll link on my Twitter to a wrestling match I’ve been in. You can probably find it on youtube, but you’d now be a selfish cunt for searching for it now & not donating.

Thank you.

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