WP Email Capture Featured on WPCandy Podcast 35

A big thank you to Jake Caputo and Ryan Imel for making WP Email Capture one of their “Picks of the Week” for WPCandy’s Podcast 35.

I thought Jake summed up WP Email Capture better than I have ever have (I have paraphrased a bit, so apologies, but I think I’ve got the jist):-

“For theme developers, it works pretty well. It’s not for a specific email service at all, it saves the email and name captured in the database that you can then export to whatever your list management software is.

I can put it in the theme as my customers can use it regardless of whatever list management systems they use, and it works pretty well.”

Thanks Jake!

State Of Search: Recommended WordPress Backup Plugins For 2013

Not sure if I’ll do this which much regularity, but I keep forgetting when and where I’m featured on other websites. I’m looking to compile a list, but at the moment it’s quite barren, so before I build up said list, I’m going to start linking to posts featuring me as a talking head, or commenting on something.

Meh, it’s content!

I’m not featured in many places, so I think this’ll be fairly easy to keep updated.

Anyway, the first one is being featured on State of Search (a blog I regularly read, and one of a small handful of SEO blogs I actually bother with) talking about my recommendations for the 6 Top WordPress Backup Plugins of 2013.

I was featured along with Michael Wester, Bastian Grimm, Dan McGuire, Carla Marshall and Dean Cruddace, and for the record, I recommended WP-DB Backup for a Free Plugin (which I must admit is more out of habit, I really should check out BackWPup recommended by a couple of people), and Vaultpress if you can afford it.

Thanks to Jackie Hole for featuring me!