Featured on The GroupHigh Blog on Blogger Pitching Advice

Recently I was featured on the GroupHigh Blog on how to pitch to bloggers. I took some advice as taken from the “We Need To Talk About Alan” post a few weeks ago and curated on their blog. It’s great to be featured along with a lot of other bloggers. Cheers GroupHigh!

Click here to read “Pitching Tips Straight From the Bloggers You’re Pitching”.

Ask An SEO Feature on Copify Blog

Recently I was featured on Copify’s Ask an SEO feature. The feature, which runs about once a week, is an interview with a prominent member of the SEO Community to discuss their work, and often focuses on a speciality.

The interview asks about my life at 3 Door Digital, before changing to focus on WordPress, and how to get the most out of your WordPress website from an SEO perspective.

The interview discusses plugins I recommend (and no, not just WordPress SEO by Yoast), how to structure your WordPress site effectively, and I reveal the one site I’d love to work on.

You can check the interview out here.

Manchester Evening News – Street Party & Northern Quarter Takeover

So there is an article on the M.E.N. about the Northern Quarter Takeover Party that took place on Sunday 5th May 2013. And there’s a picture in the gallery that features me. Here is the image. Impressive to get a photo of me on a major newspaper website.

Even more impressive, as I was in North Wales at the time.

Here is a picture of what I was actually doing on Sunday – enjoying the garden with my family. In North Wales.


Still don’t believe me? Here’s a picture I tweeted at the time. It was just as delicious as some of the burgers available at the Northern Quarter at the time.

It appears as though there has been a bit of flak for the pictures, but rather than admit a mistake, the Manchester Evening News are digging themselves a little bit of a hole.

Look, I like the Manchester Evening News, it’s great and read it, but odd that they’re taking quite a defensive stance when they have been caught out.

Cheers to @_Chappers_ for the spot!


WPDaily.co – Word-Person Of Interest for February 6th, 2013

Yikes. Should’ve posted this a while back!

I was featured as the WP Daily‘s “Word-Person of Interest” series. The interview, published on February 6th, featured me talking primarily about the premium plugin scene.

You can read the full interview here.

A big thank you to John Saddington for asking the questions (even if I was so exhausted I was falling asleep by the end of them, sorry!) and Cam Brennan for putting the post together.


Featured on Two Posts on SEONo

Recently, I was lucky enough to be featured on two posts on SEONo. The SEO blog, run by Steve Morgan, has been churning out some nice stuff recently, so it’s well worth checking out (even especially if the posts don’t feature yours truly).

The first is a guest post by Emma Barnes of Gaming Memoirs who interviewed me and a bunch of other SEO’s for “What Video Games do SEO’s like?“, this epic post was great fun in participating in (even if a few of my responses raised a few eyebrows!). Check that out and add me to Xbox Live – I’m well up for a game!

The second was a post detailing SEO’s on last.fm. I must admit I’m not a huge last.fm user, using letting Spotify scrobbling to it. Nevertheless, I was relieved, as my so-called bad taste in music didn’t come to the fore. Result!

Cheers for the features Steve! 🙂